How to Survive an Interview as an Introvert
Although interviews can be stressful for everyone, they can be highly nerve-wracking for introverts. However, while the interview format favours extroverts, you can still ace your interview as an introvert. The recruitment team at GCS Malta have prepared 5 tips on how to prepare and master your interview.
Research the company
Before attending the interview, research the company thoroughly since this will give you an idea of the company culture, projects and employees. Start by looking through the company website and social media accounts. Next, try to find reviews on Glassdoor.com; some employees even provide tips for the interview.
Brace yourself for the small talk
While it is renowned that introverts dislike small talk, it is inevitable to occur at some point in the interview process. Whether before, during or after, try to prepare yourself for the inevitable small talk conversations by personalising the generic questions. For example, instead of commenting about the weather, ask your interviewer about their favourite seasonal activity.
First impressions are everything
Research claims that an interviewer gathers an impression of you within the first few seconds of the interview. Therefore, aim to make those seconds count! It is vital to adhere to the dress code and appear warm and friendly. Although first impressions are crucial, try to emphasise your appreciation and interest in the job to end the interview on a high note and remain memorable.
Use your introversion as an advantage
Do not sell yourself short by thinking that being an introvert is a disadvantage. While extroverts excel at interviews due to their talkative, energetic and confident nature, that does not mean that introverts do not possess essential characteristics. For example, introverts tend to be more detail-oriented, thoughtful and creative.
Try answering the ‘what is your greatest strength’ and ‘what is your greatest weakness’ questions by linking them with your introversion:
- “My greatest strength is that I’m a natural listener and can make thoughtful and creative contributions.”
- “My greatest weakness is my introverted nature. Although I prefer to work remotely, I understand that sometimes working face to face is easier and more productive, so I am challenging myself to be more open towards a hybrid approach.”
Reaffirm yourself
After the interview, reaffirm that you did your best. Appreciate that you have made it this far and that you have crossed another steppingstone towards surviving and acing an interview as an introvert.
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At GCS Malta, our experienced recruitment team can help you sustain your business growth by finding the ideal candidates for you whilst looking out for the best opportunities for our candidates. Check out our current vacancies here, and contact us today should you require more information.
Article by Sarah Jane Gauci