
Asynchronous work is changing the ways we work.

Nowadays, not all employees are engaged at the same time or place, yet they still give their input based on their schedule. This is called asynchronous work.

Meetings in the workplace are an example; instead of entering remotely, the person only views the meeting once they are on duty, meaning that they will consider the recorded meeting later and can give their input, such as answering questions and giving feedback.


A Recruiter’s top five qualities

A recruiter must possess the ability to grasp the overall context of their role to secure a fruitful future for the organisation. Therefore, recruiting should be considered an integral element of the comprehensive system powering the business’s success.

The following traits are essential for a successful recruiter regarding talent acquisition: strong communication skills, interpersonal skills, networking abilities, knowledge of job markets, and the ability to assess candidate qualifications. Additionally, a recruiter should possess a keen eye for detail, strong organisational skills, and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Finally, a recruiter should have a strong understanding of recruitment best practices and be able to use technology to source and assess. 


Quiet Quitting

Quiet Quitting means when an employee does the minimum requirements of the role, putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than necessary.

Quiet Quitters continue to work on their primary responsibilities, yet they are less willing to engage in activities such as staying late, showing up early, or attending non-mandatory meetings.




Managing a low number of job applications

In our previous article, we discussed managing many job applications. This time we will talk about the opposite, driving a low number of job applications, and what you can do to start gradually increasing again.

Managing a low number of job applications can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can employ to increase your chances of attracting more applicants.


Internal Recruitment Methods

Internal recruitment refers to organisations’ strategies and approaches to fill job vacancies within their existing workforce.

There are various methods which are all very practical, and we listed the most common ways.


Creating a desirable employer brand

Creating a desirable employer brand is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. Here are some tips on how to create a strong employer brand:


Avoid these interview mistakes

Your first interview is crucial and all about giving the right impression. Hence, our recruitment team listed mistakes to avoid ensuring you achieve the best of your interview.

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The global skills gap – ways to bridge this gap

The global skills gap includes both employers and job seekers. Employers require and look for specific skill for job openings that has to come from job seekers, so how can this gap be resolved?

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Should you Recruit according to Skill set or Cultural Fit?

Whether recruiters should hire according to skill set or cultural fit remains a great debate. Ideally, companies recruit candidates who possess the required skills and are also a great cultural fit. However, this is often not the case, and recruiters must decide what to emphasise during the hiring process. The recruitment team at GCS Malta discusses this dilemma in this article.